Design News
ezSmiley smilies generator
Web 2.0 smilies generator. Put together your own custom smilie like it's Mr Potato head.
10 Usability Nightmares You Should Be Aware Of
If your visitors don't understand how they can get from point A to point B they won't use your site.
Grid Layout JS
Enables web-developers to stick to a Grid Layout quickly and simply by including the Grid Layouts Javascript file and simple XHTML code
A content display script that glides the requested content into view. Uses the Prototype JavaScript framework and effects.js library from Scriptaculous.
DOM Assistant 2.0 Released
Robert Nyman has released the second version of his Javascript library after receiving tons of bug and feature requests from users.
WordPress 2.3 released
Native tagging support, pending review feature for multi-author blogs, advanced WYSIWYG functionality and more
Interview with Sidebar Creative
Digital Web Magazine interviewed Steve Smith, Jonathan Snook, Dan Rubin, and Bryan Veloso - now known as Sidebar Creative.
Webstock 2008
5 full-on days. 9 hands-on workshops. 19 kick-ass speakers. 24 must-see presentations.