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JavaScript Arrow Functions overview

A comprehensive look at ECMAscript 6's Arrow Function syntax and why it's poised to replace anonymous functions in JavaScript.

Favicon Editor

This canvas based tool lets you create a 16x16 png icon from scratch or an existing png icon, using just a modern browser.

CSS3 Image Caption effects

Flexible image caption effects, by transitioning HTML's <figcaption> element.

Creating an off-canvas menu using CSS3

This tutorial walks the user through the creation of the iconic off-canvas side menu from scratch using CSS3.

Mobile full screen expand menu

This pure CSS mobile full screen menu expands itself to fill the whole page when activated.

Fixing mobile usability issues to comply with Google

This quick start guide shows you how to quickly address the key mobile issues that result in a failing grade for Google, which now factors in mobile usability in determining a site's ranking.

Power List menu

Multi-level menu that transforms a nested UL into a series of slide-in panels that occupy no more space than the top level UL itself.

Matching multiple CSS media queries using window.matchMedia()

This tutorial looks at how to use JavaScript`s window.matchMedia() method to respond to more than one CSS media query match.

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