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Link Title Attribute and its SEO Benefit

Adding the title attribute to a link has always been a grey subject for me. I always assumed it helped but didn't hurt, but never had any research to prove either way. A submitter over at YouMoz did the research for us.

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JSValidate: Form Validation Library

A simple library based on Prototype and Script.aculo.us to allow you to do form validation.

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A simple guide to using Firebug

Phil Rees has written up a nice introduction to Firebug, showing us how you can use Firebug for CSS, JS and Ajax

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Complete UI 2007 for Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver is getting more powerful and useful than every before. See what you've been missing!

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CSS Tools Of The Month

Roscripts run down some awesome CSS snippets.

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Plugoo enables you to chat directly from your Instant Messenger with any visitor of your blog, personal webpage or e-sales site.

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Spread a link on 32 of the best social bookmarking sites in under 15 minutes!

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Seven Smooth Steps to Superb CSS Grids

While grid design is a simple concept, there are now so many tools and ways of doing it that it might get confusing for newcomers.

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