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Design News

No more Transitional DOCTYPEs, please

Roger Johansson of 456 Berea Street on DOCTYPEs

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Google Goes To Web Standardsville, Part Two

The good, the bad, the ugly of Google and their efforts towards web standards

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Microformats Bookmarklet

This bookmarklet will allow you to select which individual contacts or events you want to save.

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Facebook Opens Registrations

Facebook removed the restrictions on registration and anyone can now become a member by joining a geographic network.

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CSS Transparency Technique

A technique for creating custom corners and borders with optional alpha transparency. The technique is based on a combination of CSS and JavaScript.

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12 Lessons for Those Afraid of CSS and Standards

New to CSS and standards? It will require a change of mindset from the "old way" of doing things.

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The Button Is Back

The button element is an underused, but highly useful element that web devs should have in their toolbox.

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Bullet link effect

This script dynamically positions a "bullet" image of your choice alongside arbitrary links to "highlight" them.

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