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DHTML Select Menu

This script transforms ordinary SELECT elements on your page into custom DHTML drop down menus instead.

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Holotof - Crowdsourcing Creativity

Holotof is a network of "advertising creatives", which enables businesses to come and pitch them work

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Don’t start with the home page

... if you're building a web app

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The rules of engagement

Be involved in your community and transform everything from the quality of your product to the audience it receives

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Resolution vs. browser size vs. fixed or adaptive width

Roger Johansson of 456bereastreet.com on the highly debated topic of screen resolution!

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An empty design portfolio, where to start?

How do you get a portfolio if the only way to build a portfolio is by having a portfolio? My advice is simple; start making stuff!

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My Favorite SEO Tasks

The team at SEOmoz highlight their 7 most favorite tasks when working with SEO

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User-generated Sites Define This Era of the Web

The overall trend is that user-generated content is the defining feature of all of the new top 15 site

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