Design News
Novel Twist on Web Design Portfolio Pages
If you can get past the all-Flash web site, New City Media has a novel take on the tired traditional Flash portfolio approach
Book Review: Beginning CSS Web Development
If you're a novice (or know somebody who is) looking to take your knowledge to the next level then this is a highly recommend book
The Road to the Semantic Web
Read/Write Web on the ingredients, definitions and approaches to the Semantic Web
Design Worthy:
Chris Murphy launches his blog Great design, worth checking out!
Why designers have an attitude
If attitude alone doesn't work anymore, why do many designers still act so cocky? Aren't designers supposed to be a sort of avant-garde, thus be ahead of time?
The Form Garden
CSS Zen garden, but for forms. Download the template and submit your own.
Great Fonts for Web 2.0
Fonts are an essential part of design - but there are thousands of fonts out there