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Weather Graphic Set

A free graphics set containing 10 simple Weather Condition icons for both day & night.

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4 Awesome Portfolio Design Trends

"I've noticed a few design trends that have emerged over the last 12 months on portfolio sites. Here are 4 of them."

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IE6 CSS Fixer tool

This CSS tool lets you enter your IE6 tripping CSS code, and attempts to apply known fixes to automatically correct the issues. To be fair, the author clearly states its limitations.

Your Votes: 4 Yays  10 Nays

WP WooThemes Ultimate Icon Set

79 free icons from WooThemes that include common symbols such as arrows, sale tag, shopping cart etc. Sized at 256×256 pixels.

Your Votes: 8 Yays  7 Nays

How to Use Photoshop Gradients Plus 600+ Gradients to Download

This article looks at making sense of the gradient tool in Photoshop, plus lists some resources for downloading free gradient designs.

Your Votes: 15 Yays  7 Nays

Guidelines for Developing Your Own CSS Framework

Many veteran developers prefer to create their own CSS framework that caters to the types of designs they are into. For those that wish to do the same, some helpful guidelines.

Your Votes: 20 Yays  5 Nays

Build a Content Slider with jQuery

A step by step tutorial on creating a content slider in jQuery, with left/right nav buttons to cycle through the contents.

Your Votes: 13 Yays  3 Nays

Amazing Retouching And Photo Enhancing Tutorials In Photoshop

As graphic designer retouching photographs is essential skill You need to master. A collection of essential facial retouching, background removal as well as simple color adjustments tutorials.

Your Votes: 3 Yays  8 Nays

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