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The Myth of the 3-click Rule

Free Usability Advice has a handy article about this long-standing myth

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Email Marketing Strategy: Shortcuts to Success

Jeanne S. Jennings of sitepoint.com on what's involved in developing a plan for an effective email strategy

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New and Improved Blue Flavor

The crew at Blue Flavor have just launched a new redesign of BlueFlavor.com

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Redesigned alphabet

Alphabet 26 combines the "best" upper and lowercase letters into an alphabet using only 26 symbols

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On Tiled Patterns

Fadtastic on the tiled pattern background is and always has been a staple design technique

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Spellify: Automatic Spell Checker

An AJAX driven web application which uses the Google spell checker to automatically spell check and display spelling suggestions

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Photoshop Online

Adobe Systems plans to release a hosted version of its popular Photoshop image-editing application within six months.

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CSS selectors: the basics

Bite Size Standards - some of the basic concepts of CSS selectors.

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