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CSS Mobile Profile 2.0

The W3C on CSS mobile profile 2.0

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The Triad Launches 3by9

The 9rules gang launch a new blog

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Conversation with CSS 3 team

Interview with Bert Bos, chair of the CSS Working Group at W3C, about CSS 3.

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Monday Inspiration: Extreme Colors

To spark your imagination Smashing Magazine published an article with interesting ideas and unusual solutions.

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Branding your CSS Stylesheets

Designers that add the color scheme of their personal website to their stylesheets?

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Ajax Javascript Galleries, Slideshows and Effects Redux

Max Kiesler goes through a large group of libraries and apps that show off image related functionality.

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10 reasons why your website suck

E-consultancy has an amusing list/rant of top 10 web site annoyances.

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12 Tips For Your Design Business

12 quickfire tips from You The Designer

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