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Another CSS gallery site, in a foreign language.

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10 Reasons Why CSS Sucks

Some vaild points by Greg Raiz. I guess there are always 2 sides to a coin!

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11 Best Practices for URLs

Rand Fishkin, CEO & Co-Founder of SEOmoz, on Guidelines to Successful URLs

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Font size inconsistencies with font-family: monospace

Roger Johansson of 456 Berea Street on sizing monospaced fonts

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Ten Reasons Why CSS Does Not Suck

Scott Kiekbusch's point by point response to Greg Raiz's "Ten reasons why CSS sucks"

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Methods for Containing Floats

Ed Eliot's article lists CSS rules to force a container to clear it's floats.

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Lessons in JavaScript Performance Optimization

Michael Mahemoff, of Ajaxian, on optimizing JavaScript from a 90 second benchmark to 3 seconds.

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Interview on Web Standards Advocacy in Education

WaSP Interviews Lars Gunther, by Rob Dickerson and April Siegfried of the Education Task Force.

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