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Design News

Minimalistic Set of Icons

Some very basic, minimalistic social media icons to download. The work well if your site uses bg image or graphics due to their transparent nature.

Your Votes: 6 Yays  1 Nays

77 Inspirational Example of Pricing Page Designs

In this showcase, you’ll find a variety of highly-creative and beautiful pricing pages, or pages illustrating pricing information on a particular product/ service.

Your Votes: 4 Yays  0 Nays

Design A Clean And Fresh Company Website In Photoshop

A step by step walk through of creating a web page layout and design, from the initial planning phase to putting everything together.

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How to run a one-person web design agency

A look at one man run web agencies that have made it in the web design industry, and how it can for you as well.

Your Votes: 3 Yays  6 Nays

FireFox Addons for Designers

A cool selection of FireFox Addons that can help make our life a bit easier, and a reminder to look for shortcuts while working.

Your Votes: 4 Yays  2 Nays

Inspiration has no limits

An article about how images derived from the Hubble telescope are used to create amazing colour pallets with Photocopa! So Inspiring!

Your Votes: 2 Yays  1 Nays

Skin Care

GetPrice - Compare skin care products to find the lowest price at Australia's leading independant shopping comparison website.

Your Votes: 13 Yays  2 Nays

CSS Coding Basics

Smashing Mag covers the fundamental properties and capabilities of CSS in a nice, basic little article. Thumbs up. This is a great read if you're a CSS Nooblet.

Your Votes: 16 Yays  0 Nays

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