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Conversation With XHTML 2 Team

Steven Pemberton, chair of the HTML Working Group at W3C, about XHTML 2.

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How did you get into Web accessibility?

Roger Johansson asks, what made everybody get into Web accessibility?

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Interview with Jeremy Keith

Jeremy Keith talk about the new book, how he approaches AJAX with a mind to bulletproofing, and the pitfalls of over-AJAXing user experiences.

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Introducing swfIR, swf Image Replacement

swfIR gives you the ability to apply an assortment of visual effects to any or all images on your website.

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DHTML Modal window

An awesome DHTML modal window script.

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Semantic Flash: Slippery When Wet

Although the brilliant option of the hybrid site had always existed, it's never really made it far past the typical Flash intro on a corporate homepage.

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Where Our Standards Went Wrong

We can all agree that the realities of the web make it hard to build a standards-compliant site

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Browser testing CSS and JavaScript

Roger Johansson of 456bereastreet.com on his own approach to testing CSS and JavaScript during development

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