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IE10 Preview for Windows 7 released!

Grab your copy and start testing...uh, playing!

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jQuery Animated UL lists

This jQuery script adds flare to your UL lists, by animating the items into view, one item at a time. You can get each item to slide in from the left, drop in, or even spin before making their way to their destination.

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CSS 3D Depressible Button

CSS3 can be used to really jazz up a plain looking link and create an awesome "call to action" button, as in the following demo.

Your Votes: 9 Yays  4 Nays

Pure CSS3 Push Down Panel

This is a CSS3 push down panel that when clicked on reveals some content. The entire interface is created using a combination of CSS3 shadows, round borders, and CSS2 generated content.

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Font Awesome

An awesome collection of icon fonts, vector based so they look good at any size.

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One% CSS Grid

One% CSS Grid is a 12 column fluid CSS grid system. As a percentage based grid system, it means that it will perfectly adapt to all screen resolutions (mobile, tablets and big screens).

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gAjax RSS Feeds Displayer v2.0

gAjax RSS Feeds Displayer is a popular script for displaying any RSS feed on your site. Version 2 adds templating of the output plus powerful search and replace text functionality.

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Bonsai HTML graphical library

Bonsai is a lightweight graphics library with an intuitive graphics API and an SVG renderer.

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