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Design News

Illustrator CS3’s color guide and Live color.

A walk-through of CS3 color guide and live color, a great article about Illustrator CS3.

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71 CSS menus for web designers

A variety list of CSS menus to use for web designers. The list is good for inspiration or educational purposes with CSS lists/menus.

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Toggler is currently just a proof of concept to mimic the functionality found in desktop programs like Adobe Photoshop.

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Avoiding Extreme Accessibility

Over-thinking, over-engineering, or going to extremes is rarely a good thing when acted upon.

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Photoshop Wood Texture

Create an almost photo-realistic wood grain texture in Photoshop.

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Designing Accessible Websites

List of ideas to keep in mind when creating your initial design concept.

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A Different Approach to Design

The words "art" and "design" seem to overlap so much in daily conversation it’s hard to imagine one without the other.

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Bulletproof Ajax (Book review)

Roger from 456 Berea street reviews Bulletproof Ajax a book by Jeremy Keith. A nice little recommendation for a book about Ajax.

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