
Design News:

90 Creative Back To Top Links and Best Practices

See a variety of highly-creative and beautiful "Back to Top" links, links at the bottom of a page that take the user back up to the top when clicked on.

Comments (8)

hmmm.. isnt it funny how most internet “Articles” nowadays are just “lists of other people’s stuff” with all the creativity and value-added of a ball of string or 10 seconds of Google?? :(

I think the site name is misspelled.. should drop the “f”

#1: PhillC on 07/17 at 06:50 PM

I’m not a fan of “generic list of <anything>” posts, but as they go, this wasnt so bad. The author tutored some html and css to get a basic effect going, then launched his list of examples.
Sure, a bit noobish or for junior consumption. *mostly* but not as bad as you make out and certainly not deserving your ire.

Methinks you need to “get a grip”, perhaps a grip on something other than a magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers gripping your massively tiny penis which you obviously attempt to compensate for by being a dick in your posts (albeit an impotent one)


#2: mark on 07/18 at 04:59 AM

His name is PhillC for
Phillacid Cock

#3: aguy on 07/19 at 12:12 AM

Yeah, or just PhalliC. He’s a real prick.

The post does show some creative ways people use the back-to-top links as it says, and while the coding may be pretty simple for experienced designers, you still have to admire the clever ways that some people use these links.

#4: Ian Beadle on 07/21 at 03:02 AM

Yeh, i think this is just not a list. List is what you make when you go purchase groceries. This is a cool article showing what people are doing and how you can introduce creativity in a simple “back to top” link.

And well i think it needs lots of research. so pay the author some credit. :)

#5: Robert on 07/21 at 05:18 AM

Y’all can kiss my ass - make a list of that!

#6: PhillC on 07/21 at 01:17 PM

It’s easy to criticise… much easier then doing something productive :P

#7: boars on 07/23 at 12:36 AM

Phill’s comment was somewhat funny but your replies were even funnier. I don’t understand why some people need to criticize the work of others. If there’s nothing good to say, shut up! _______________ Genuine Viagra suppliers

#8: freddy on 08/14 at 12:55 PM
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