
Design News:

A real web design curriculum

WaSP Interact is a fantastic new community-driven open curriculum based upon web standards and best practices, designed for students by web professional.

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WaSP Interact is a fantastic new community-driven open curriculum based upon web standards and best practices, designed for students by web professional

Grammar and semantics aside (the blurb) two things come to mind which give me a bit of concern.
1. With a ‘dynamic and ever changing (open sourced)’ curriculum, how the hell can you ever know what the fruit (your prospective employee) is made from?

2. Isnt that what community colleges and vocational schools do anyway? “Tell us what you want us to teach your workforce and we’ll teach ‘em that and you hire ‘em?”
- the only thing is, instead of BUSINESS PEOPLE and those with a HIRING NEED providing the input, you have instead some glorified “Curriculum Wiki” that every year churns out students each slightly different in aptitudes, skills and training based on the whims of the moment.

3. Is Education REALLY needing that much groupthink? And since what is really important in our field is more than just “KNOWING” (CSS, JQUERY,etc) but EXPERIENCING - live site loads, Client demands, things that come up in live situations like internships or first live projects, etc.

4. Isnt their call for “Post your Ideas” just another bit of “CROWD SOURCING?”

It’s kind of like the “what is sexual harassment” question ? If she likes you, then your comment “You look real nice” is a nice compliment, otherwise , its an unwelcome overture lol
So is it “cynical crowd sourcing” or “good old interactivity and connection with your user base?” who knows?

It’s good overall to be asking for community input -but I just kinda feel that at some point, EVENTUALLY, the educational institution has to just KNOW what they are gonna teach and HOW they gonna teach it without this liberal grope fest.

Interestingly, I didnt see any courses that would REALLY be important:
1) How to detect your boss/client is full of crap (and make it not matter)
2) How to sniff out “spec work” and use it to your advantage
3) How to Collect Payment w/o burning yourself
5) How to sellout without losing your soul!
6) How to count - and save on accounting fees!

Overall though, when all the pluses and minus cancel each other out, I think the net effect is a positive - the discussion alone should be useful, even though the school itself may not be.

#1: phillc on 06/25 at 07:50 PM

i see the argument or complaint you have - a curriculum by committee ?

I agree with no to THAT, but I’m not sure thats what they’re doing :)

I think they are positioning themselves as a uber responsive educational and tutorial community and would do well if they have a core of ‘standard’ traditional courses, and a slew of optional components and ‘electives’  that round out the curriculum AND the graduate.

Good job Nathan!

#2: Mark on 06/26 at 02:27 AM

It�s good overall to be asking for community input -but I just kinda feel that at some point, EVENTUALLY, the educational institution has to just KNOW what they are gonna teach and HOW they gonna teach it without this liberal grope fest
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#3: Internet Marketing Singapore on 06/27 at 08:16 PM

Good comments there guys.

I’d have to say Phillc - the courses that really are important as you’ve stated, I think can only really be learnt through hands on experience. There’s just some stuff you have to learn the hard way.

#4: Nathan Beck on 06/29 at 11:24 AM

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#5: geminiinfoway on 06/30 at 08:03 AM

we need information of this sort which really does a lot help.

#6: johnsaint on 07/01 at 09:50 AM

Thanks for the information. Very helpful. I have been looking for an article like this!

#7: http://www.inowweb.com on 07/05 at 09:59 PM

I just couldnt leave your website before saying that I really enjoyed the quality information you offer to your visitors… Will be back often to check up on new stuff you post!!

#8: dreamweaver templates on 07/14 at 02:51 PM

You want to try NetObjects Fusion. Version 9 is a free download or available as a PC magazine givaway and it is very easy to learn. As you add pages to your web site the navigation buttons are put in automatically. The program has many web page templates and there are a lot more free ones on their site. You will find it in Computer Magazine CDs, Computer Shopper was doing it last month.

#9: Mississauga Condominiums on 07/14 at 04:51 PM

I am a web designer i got one web design project about a architect company. How much to charge for this project?

#10: Digital Arts School on 07/22 at 10:29 PM
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