
Design News:

Amateur’s Guide To Customizing Website Design With FireBug

"FireBug and it is so cool that many web developers use FireFox just to get to using FireBug. In this post I am sharing my amateur's tricks of creating a web site design with FireBug."

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Comments (10)

very nice!
Even if you are not a web developer by any means, having this tool and playing with it (no dirty pun intended)  will take you a far way towards getting your daily dose of “How did they DO that?”

and, with the live view, it makes an ideal CSS editor, recommended.

You know what George, CSSdrive should have a MEMBER BOOKMARK feature, where people who come across an interesting post or article on CSSDrive can have it bookmarked there on the site!

it would be part of the whole user experience and would be ideal, as I use so many different machines I could have all my CSSDrive goodies in one place! :)

on the social engineering side, you would then be able to say..this article was favorited by xxxx people, for example…

#1: Mark on 03/02 at 10:52 PM

I see what you’re saying, and that’s why I had added the Resources Section, which is basically a collection of bookmark worthy news entries. Of course a more integrated, bookmark approach would be even better, but one step at a time. :)

#2: georgec on 03/02 at 11:24 PM

I must say I love Firebug. It’s been an absolute godsend. It makes it even worse when I have to go back to test in IE and I’m limited to setting temporary bg colours and borders to work out what the box model’s up to.

It’s also really useful when creating user style sheets if u iz into dat kinda thing rite!

#3: Nathan Beck on 03/03 at 09:58 AM

It�s also really useful when creating user style sheets if u iz into dat kinda thing rite!

(Mark makes careful plans to remove Nathan Beck’s copy of “Speaking Ebonics for Dummies”)

#4: Mark on 03/03 at 01:33 PM

Hmm, that was an unusual case of typing it how it sounded in my head…

#5: Nathan Beck on 03/04 at 09:35 AM

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#6: website designing company india on 03/05 at 06:52 AM

Firebug is a GREAT resource if you design/code for the web. This article is a great primer and may do you a lot of good if you’re a novice OR advanced user.
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#9: Webamsteraziz on 03/21 at 07:45 AM

  Very nice post.Firebug is a GREAT resource if you design/code for the web…
SEO Company

#10: SEO Company on 04/01 at 04:54 AM
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