
Design News:

Are you ready to freelance?

Cindy Li, shares her experience on whether one is ready to become a freelancer or not.

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Comments (10)

sloppy, worthless “article”. No knowledge transfer or anything worthwhile. Still, it was made by a chick (presumably) so that makes it hawt

#1: phillc on 06/22 at 07:00 PM

Once upon a time

I appeared on the �50 Best Female Web Designers around the world� list. It�s an honor to be recognized on this list but as a freelancer you still have to work really hard to get the word out that you�re available. It�s great publicity but it doesn�t guarantee you to bring home the bacon (who doesn�t love bacon?)...

It goes downhill from there of course, but to be fair - English probably isnt her first language, and she IS a woman so good job!

#2: Mark on 06/23 at 12:21 AM

Come on guys, why is being a woman being included as part of the conservation at all? If you’re trying to be funny I doubt most people are laughing, unless offensive is the new funny. Cindy IMO is a talented designer, woman or male.

#3: georgec on 06/23 at 02:16 AM

This article is not worthless if it gives someone just one piece of information that will help them get more work, or make a more informed decision, and that it does.
Often, one small thing can make the difference between getting work or not, and this is advice from someone who has been freelancing for a while, so it may pay you to listen to what she says.

#4: Ian Beadle on 06/23 at 04:01 AM

Come on guys, why is being a woman being included as part of the conservation at all? If you�re trying to be funny..

did YOU read the article? I did! (and It’s 5 minutes of my life I wont get back, thank you very much!)
Structurally, the article is a MESS - written in a furtive,bouncing, semi-coherent style - like somebody blogging in the back of public transportation on their way to some <insert bullshit social cause/event here> Not a well reasoned and argued table of talking and position points.

Grammatically, it’s a linguistic sludge - DOES NOBODY PROOF_READ_ANYMORE?? just because firefox didnt underline it with read dots dont mean its not CRAP

As for her feminine status - SHE brought it up first, foremost and secondary - The first two or three paragraphs werent even about the subject matter, but on her ‘inclusion in the top 50 female designers” an arbitrary list based on arbitrary standards (with consideration of vagina possession being one of them)

This article is not worthless if it gives someone just one piece of information that will help them get more work..

Thanks for that “Ian Beadle” but your WRONG.
Sure there is “useful information-maybe two pieces worth” but extract it at what cost? There’s Gold in seawater too, BUT ITS NOT FEASIBLE TO FILTER MANY CUBIC MILES OF SEAWATER FOR A FEW NUGGETS OF GOLD! - A clearly laid out article with key points and references that provides the information cleaning AND IN AN ACCESSIBLE FASHION (meaning you dont have to dig through paragraphs and paragraphs of semi-literate “chinglish” makes a GOOD article.


#5: phillc on 06/23 at 02:12 PM


phillc - I guess you don’t bother to. There are 23 errors in your post.

#6: Ian Beadle on 06/24 at 07:55 AM

yeah.. :( I misspelt “vagina”

A quick scan of dictionary.com has it as

�noun, plural -nas, -nae  /-ni/  Show Spelled Pronunciation [-nee]  Show IPA .
1.    Anatomy, Zoology.
a.    the passage leading from the uterus to the vulva in certain female mammals. Compare oviduct.
found on http://www.hi-powered.com/

Noticed your site is all “red” - a coincidence? not to ‘rag you’ ! I’ll check back in a few days :)

#7: phillc on 06/24 at 01:33 PM

Very childish comment above.

#8: Ian Beadle on 06/24 at 02:30 PM

yay super lol comments much better waste of my time than actually reading the article. It’s nice to see after giving the site a break for a while Phillc and Mark are still giving it!

The problem is, it DOES MATTER if 90% of the article is shit and 10% is useful. There’s simply too much ‘stuff’ on the net and its a hard enough work filtering through noise to find decent material as it is.

If you provide a website designed to filter relevant, useful and interesting material for people but constantly throw up drudge then people are going to stop coming back.

This article is not worthless if it gives someone just one piece of information that will help them get more work, or make a more informed decision, and that it does.

I understand where you’re coming from Ian but unfortunately that’s not good enough. Trust me I’ve published some crap on this site in the past and I’ve slowly learned from my mistakes. People simply don’t have the time to trawl through messy articles to find that magical ‘one piece of information’. I have a habit of waffling (did you guess) but I try to make everything as relevant and useful as possible.

Quality, not quantity. Some of the finest blogs out there get updated only a few times a month. But people keep returning because they anticipate every new post.

Now, I’m going to actually take a look at this link and see if my above rant was justified. And if it isn’t in this case, it certainly does apply to some of the other junk appearing more often on CSS Drive. Sorry George.

#9: Nathan Beck on 06/25 at 03:16 PM

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#10: Lamisil Online on 06/27 at 03:12 PM
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