Design News:
Avoiding Standards Complacency
Standards compliance has led to complacency and become a diversion tactic. Anthony Zinni explains.
Comments (1)
“Avoiding Standards Complacency
Standards compliance has led to complacency and become a diversion tactic. Anthony Zinni explains.”
Hmmm..provocative title and article! Serious food for thought here! - So why so many negatives? More “haters” as Sarah Palin would say?
Alas, the three or so paragraphs of the article are nothing much more than unsubstantiated blathering mis-opinion.
He makes a series of bold statements with no factual or even anecdotal backing nor examples.
“Standards compliance has become a diversion tactic
Design is hard to sell, and effective design is even harder to show because it looks effortless”
Of course he means (or should mean) “Standards Compliance has become a DIVERSIONARY tactic” grammar aside, why do you say that, exactly? We’ll never know, as he happily moves on to his next non-fact.
Article =FAIL, two thumbs down for this one, negative ratings well deserved.