
Design News:

Block Style Font

A font made by a young talented girl just 16 years of age. Julie Kapral is one young designer we should keep an eye on.

Your Votes: 31 Yays  10 Nays

Comments (14)

Her first font, and after so many great logo designs on LogoPond and other design forums, she’s really turning out to be a little bundle of talent. Check her site out guys www.juliekapral.com

I miss passionate designers like this…I guess that raw passion we had died down with age? maybe. Be inspired guys, really. :)

#1: Moni on 02/26 at 09:29 AM

Although the font is made up of transparent png images, you can tell that she’ll be cooking up some professional fonts once she learns how. Nice diverse post again Moni, talent these days comes in young packages it seems, something we should all be proud of.

#2: Max on 02/26 at 09:35 AM

her site is gay and so is she shess all haha and hehe young designers like that only give us real professional designers a bad name

#3: Tim on 02/26 at 09:40 AM

Tim, immature comments like that is what gives designers like you a bad name, not the proffesionals.

Julie seems to be a very capable 16 year old and I can tell she has natural talent on top of which she has the love for designt hat will certainly take her far in the industry.

#4: Andrew Bell on 02/26 at 09:47 AM

what the hell is this Oprah??
Is this CSS Drive or fr’king MySpace? - other than the designer being ‘16 years old’ there was absolutely nothing worth recommending in this post!
..Font made outta PNGS my ass! what next, an OWL made out of MACARONI?
Why not do that? I’d least I’d have SOMETHING TO PUT ON MY FRIDGE (or if it comes to the worst, to EAT)
.. Next week:
Moni finds a cute website made for puppies BY PUPPIES!
See it here at, www.when_cuties_poop.com*

(*note: totally unrelated to that “two girls one cup” thing you love so well!)

#5: Mark on 02/26 at 04:00 PM

Mark, don’t you ever get tired of hearing yourself talk?
This news post is clearly not about the content of the article itself, but the idea behind it. That a girl her age is not afraid to color outside the lines in order to chase her dreams. I think it’s a beautiful news post.

She also had logos featured on LogoPond today, that’s got to tell you something about this talented young girl. Be nice for once Mark, it wont kill you!

#6: Trish on 02/26 at 09:30 PM

An exceptionally talented young girl who by her other blog posts tried to motivate other Teens. That�s my hat off to her.

#7: Watley on 02/26 at 09:39 PM

I agree the blog post itself is nothing special, but the fact that she’s 16 and has that quality of work (some of her logos are on her main page), I think the News slot is a well deserved one. I would have linked to her main page and talked about Julie Kapral herself rather than that font, but it’s nice too see Moni supporting young designers. God on you.

#8: Jeff on 02/26 at 09:47 PM

I actually had the pleasure of chatting with Julie last night, she was trying to get a direction on how to go about interacting with her blog’s database and how to use her blogging platform’s functions to access that data.

Talking to her was very enjoyable for me because I could see how eager she was to learn on her own and made me realized that not only is she a professional grade designer on the making but also has the potential to become a great web developer!

Most of the negative comments on this post have no base and are probably left out of jealousy.

Only time will tell if Julie will be able to mold herself into what I hope, but I can tell you right now that, she has the skills and most importantly, the drive to become a successful designer and she’s worth keeping an eye on!


#9: Kode on 02/26 at 10:12 PM

dont be silly, Kode - Jealous of what?? please. Because we care not for these fawning, gushing “articles”?

Ooo! look at her! (or him)

She’s/He’s only 12! or 16! or some similar prepubescent age! Really, this would have been ‘hot shit’ 10 years ago, but now with every kid a designer of their own mySpace pages and what not, it’s really not that novel or interesting

An exceptionally talented young girl who by her other blog posts tried to motivate other Teens. That�s my hat off to her.

Hat yes, boxers no - try to keep it in perspective, Wately- your superlative hyperbole notwithstanding, Its a glorified Me Space page! “Exceptionally talented!” pffft.
If it was a 16 year old male, you would have shrugged and moved on, so the real argument is: She’s a girl! wow! a girl doing something moderately technical and its nothing to do with baking or sewing or anything! wow!

a pox on these closeted 40 year old virgins, fawning over 16 year old ones!
Yeah, it’s great that she is “doing stuff on the web” whopee

#10: Mark on 02/27 at 06:20 AM
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