
Design News:

Branding Squared Eye

An informative look at the thought process and steps taken in coming up with the new Squared Eye design.

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Comments (8)

Square Eye for the Queer Guy - Now on Bravo! (check your local listings)

#1: Mark on 06/13 at 12:56 PM

The Squared Eye branding is ugly.

#2: Yuli on 06/16 at 01:30 PM

The article is the big pile of “design babble” bullshit I’ve ever seen!
“..During that shift I’ve been exposed to enough about branding to realize that the old Squared Eye was suffering from a lack of clear direction and focus, both as a business and as a brand.”

how about the NEW “squared eye”? - starting off with semi-illegible dark text on a dark cyan background made more illegible by a grid pattern behind it and numerous superimposed large digits.. Luckily, all is made right by having a pseudo-origami WHALE to play with!

how about some other takes?
18.    Mathematics.
a.    to multiply (a number or quantity) by itself; raise to the second power.

39.    straight, level, or even, as a surface.
40.    leaving no balance of debt on either side; having all accounts settled: I’m all square with my landlord.
41.    just, fair, or honest.
42.    straightforward, direct, or unequivocal.

#3: phillc on 06/16 at 05:18 PM

I like your blog very much. It has very interesting topics. Actually I am also in web designing field and work in Patrik design company so I like your blog design very much. Its very beautiful and give clear view for human eyes.

#4: aim�e andr� on 07/01 at 05:46 AM

Branding squared eye sounds good!! It is very important and interesting post buddy. I am already search this type of tricks for my one software gestionale.

#5: solitude on 07/01 at 08:48 AM

This is really a good source of information. Thanks much for sharing this.
Senior Chat

#6: Rob on 07/02 at 03:40 PM

Thanks for sharing and I’ll be applying some of this to my Meaningful Beauty Reviewsite for sure.

Thanks again.

#7: Kathy on 07/06 at 07:21 PM

This is really cool, thanks much for sharing this to us.
Sexy Lingerie

#8: John on 07/08 at 02:11 PM
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