
Design News:

Building HTML/CSS Sites: Use a Template

If you churning out websites frequently, it can be very unproductive to start from scratch each time the basic HTML code . This article looks at creating a reusable, basic template for that purpose.

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Comments (5)

This is a great idea. I had just recently done the same thing. I can’t believe i was starting from scratch every time! Starting with an “empty canvas” ( all required files created and directories created to start ) saves me a lot of time.

#1: aguy on 02/27 at 09:12 PM

why would anyone vote down on this?
sure it’s simple..even simplistic and very obvious (could that be the reason?) but hey, it’s good to do, regardless of skill level.

#2: Mark on 02/28 at 02:39 PM

I agree there really is no need to reinvent the wheel. I always go to CSS tinderbox and use his frameworks as a jumping off point when building a site.


#3: Paul Ehrenreich on 03/02 at 02:28 PM

Thanks for that CSSTinderbox.com link mate!
nice find!

#4: Mark on 03/02 at 10:58 PM


If you are developing HTML/CSS websites with occasionally a little bit of JavaScript (just like myself), it can be very un-productive to write your basic codes over and over again.
seo consultant

#5: seo consultant on 03/12 at 12:39 PM
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