
Design News:

Creating Your Own Web Slices in IE8

Web Slices is a new feature in IE8 that lets your site visitors subscribe to portions of your site that get updated often. A look at how to serve up Web Slices to your visitors.

Comments (3)

Hark! What manner of web tomfoolery is this?

Verily, I say to thee, heed not the seductive call of spurious features by Microsoft for they shalt lead to ruin! For is the web round, like a pizza so that it may be sliced? I speak to you as the horse does, NAY!
For, why should thee the WebMaster revisit thy page to add markup where none need be? Are they not feeds for RSS that perform the same function? Yes there can be more than one to separate a Cat from it’s skin, but how many cat’s skins can you wear? Indeed, most cats have but one skin, though they have 9 lives within them! Begone Microsoft, with your slices void of pepperoni and give us instead what we beseech, a browser that sucketh not, amen!

#1: Mark on 03/26 at 11:56 PM

I see Web Slices as yet another IE proprietary feature that will die eventually from lack of user adoption, similar to CSS Expressions.

#2: georgec on 03/27 at 01:24 AM

Now CSS expressions is pretty damn good! CSS expressions (along with behaviour .htc files) has added needed variables for the loongest time, and it allows you to fix a ton of IE specific browser bugs.
But those ‘features’ were primarily design time functionality which would affect the front end experience, but transparently, w/o user knowledge for the most part.
But slices? thats a whole new user-interface can of worms, and for what? to side step industry standard RSS?
Maybe this is Bill Gate’s idea of a ‘stimulus package’ as millions of programmers (no doubt from India) are dredged up to provide support for this dubious feature. If so, I’ve got a ‘package’ for you too, Bill!

#3: Mark on 03/27 at 10:06 AM
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