
Design News:

Firefox 3.5 has arrived

Well, it's here folks, Firefox 3.5 that is! Key features that will interest webmasters are a faster JavaScript engine, embeddable fonts, support for HTML 5 storage, video and audio tags, and geo location targeting.

Your Votes: 29 Yays  4 Nays

Comments (3)

ARRRGH! I updated and hardly any of my add-ons work!
Firebug: Not compatible!
MeasureIt: Not compatible!
Dummy Lipsum: Not Compatible!
there are more! I use all of these on a daily basis! this sucks… going back to 3.0!

#1: aguy on 07/02 at 08:59 PM

Agree every time they upgrade I lose great apps but hey their browser is the best by far.
sandstone pavers

#2: Glenno7sq on 07/03 at 06:41 AM


Back in the day, WHEN SILICONE IMPLANTS WERE ALL THE RAGE, we took a “hands off” approach, and held off! - soon, actually 15 years or so later, people found out that silicone implants could LEAK causing all kinds of systemic ailments and problems :(
However, by then, SALINE implants came into vogue,safer and no toxic leakage! Now Marsha is the proud owner of the firmest 38C’s you’ll ever see on a 75 year old grandmother!

#3: Mark on 07/04 at 12:57 PM
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