
Design News:

How to run a one-person web design agency

A look at one man run web agencies that have made it in the web design industry, and how it can for you as well.

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Comments (4)

When you start to build your site and add information and products to it do it one page at a time, completing each page as much as possible as you go. If your site will have more than 5 pages don’t create those pages in your site’s directory until you are ready to work on them. The more pages your site has the longer it will take you to complete them all and the longer it will take you to “go live”.

#1: Web Design on 10/14 at 09:49 AM

Hey “Web Design”, thanks for your input, and oh yeah, thanks for being one of those “web design” businesses that are slowly killing this industry! I laughed when I saw your prices and inclusions… then I looked at your code ( for your site ) and I saw exactly what I expected… you should see a doctor, cause you got a serious case of “divitous”. �34.99 is laughable… but your code explains why… good one! thanks for making this a tougher industry to make a decent living in!

#2: a guy on 10/19 at 09:54 PM

Well, at least he works!!

You are a major asshole “a gay”. Not only he gave you advice, not only he does what you’ll never be able to do, not only you want to just get money instead of actually work but you are a major ASSHOLE !!!!

Web Design, you rock!

#3: lalakis on 10/31 at 07:59 PM

Thats really interesting article. Its amazing in terms of resources we have in the web design field. And lots of free stuffs also available for those who cant afford.

“All that malarkey” happens to be an important part of the ease of navigation on a website. A well designed color/theme for a site will “pull in the punters” better than a site lacking in that department, no matter how good the navigation is.

#4: Joomla Web Design on 11/05 at 01:23 PM
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