Design News: offers a small but unique collection of free logos. Previously the site was a paid service.
Comments (4)
A perfect complement to : “Would you buy a logo from Walmart?”
although this should be titled, “Would you rummage in the trash for a crappy logo?”
Its probably a good idea as designers to be aware that potential clients might be looking at these types of sites when comparing our services, but OMG who voted “yay” on this?!
wow…that site is pretty gross, logo designs on there are pure dog poop too. I know the designer off of logopond, he’s pretty thick in the head, has no people skills, worse than mine, something i dont pride myself on anyway.
but yeah, 3 people yay’d this, i say line um up and call the firing squad out :D
hi btw guys, been crazy busy with life, looking forward to adding some decent news slots soon :)