Design News:
New CSS Drive Design!
The last redesign of CSS Drive was just over 2 years ago, so I'm excited to welcome everyone to the new look!
Comments (17)
Neil, I’ve got to say, you are either:
1. Flat out lying and take this as a joke.
2. Are trying in some bizarre way to suck up (what for?)
3. Are some automated spam bot (i noticed you provided a link to a site) AND HAVEN SEEN THE OLD SITE—OR THIS ONE!
Take a look at the WayBackMachine and look at the 2008 version of CSSDrive! I took it for granted before..but compared to this, its a f*king MASTERPIECE! Clean grid layout, a menu that WORKS and is simply laid out, the NEWS section, gently differentiated from the other columns with a subtle shading and of course, RSS and other social media links right up top.
This “sight update” had cluster f*ck written all over it from day one, since it took like a 4 days at least to show up (4 days to apply a fking template, are you kidding me??) you will notice that there is no new Favicon (still showing the old one which is better) and that there was apparently supposed to be a hover effect on the ‘home’ image in the top left, but it isnt there, because of designer FAIL.
I honest to God (or Allah) wish I was a FLY ON THE WALL when the designer meetings between GeorgeC and Wazzisname were taking place!
GeorgeC:, I dunno, it kinda looks like SHIT!
Rockatee/Cockapoo: NO! NO! Shit is In! Shit is the New Black! Shit is ALL NATURAL BABY! Shit is .....OFF BEAT!
GeorgeC: Well, if you say so…..
Rockatee/Cockapoo: And I do! Oh, btw, you dropped the soap!!
Mark, seriously you sound like it’s the worst design ever created! It has good balance some nice attention to details in certain areas and it doesn’t over power the content which is pretty much what this site is all about, yes green and red isn’t my favoured colour scheme but it still works to certain degree, the favicon is a very small element that I’m sure will be corrected, at the end of the day the site is free.
I think these guys want some constructive feedback and as a fellow designer/developer you should give them something more contructive.
Neil, you are just being silly.
The argument isnt if this is the ‘worst design ever created’ - The real argument or debate is, “Is this a bad design and does it represent an improvement over the last one!”
The answer is clearly, YES it IS a BAD DESIGN and NO it DOES NOT represent an improvement.
1. Main menu placed in div that is too small for it causing wrapping (and not the good rapping done by black people, but the bad kind, where the z-index of the menu clashes with itself causing the 1st option to not display properly on the pulldown.
2. Is there a forum for CSSdrive? not anymore! (unless you want to play “Where’s Waldo” for the forum link. ..oooh there it is, an afterthought on the footer links :(
3. No visual definition between the different areas.
Its just a jumbled mess
But look, how can you say these guys need people to ‘tell them what’s wrong’ these are professional guys! It’s not like the noobs in the forum who always ask: “Whats wrong with my margin in IE?” The errors are so blatant, its not like subtle alignment.. terms like ‘Colden Ratio’ etc seem lost
You have about as much tact as a dropped pie… even then a pie probably has more. It’s possible to be constructive and give feedback without being a complete stuck up arse.
Regarding the link to the forum, I purposely left it out, as it’s something I’m considering removing. It seems to be just a playground for spammers more than anything else.
Spammers are EASY to block with or WITHOUT using CAPTHA.
There is only one line of code you need to put in your php to block them permanently. Contact me via email for details (as obviously I dont want to leave hints for spammers to improve their software) ... good luck with the site, I’ll check it out again in the next two years
Mark you need to find yourself a lady…