Design News:
Overview of CSS3 Structural pseudo-classes
Structural pseudo-classes let you select and style child elements of a container based on a variety of generic criteria, such as the 3rd child, even/odd child elements, or even the nth child element of a certain type.
Comments (2)
I gave this a thumbs up, ‘cause this is exactly the kind of article we need to see on CSSDRIVE! Unfortunately I wont be able to really use any of these goodies for years! So many devices and browsers to support, even “upper level browsers” like IE6,7 and mobile devices. What I hope to find is a Javascript “upgrade library” that will upgrade lesser browsers to full CSS3 compatibility
Yeah Mark’s hit the nail on the head. It’s great to see stuff like this but is it worth my time to sit down and learn it all? Is it worth my time to start implementing CSS3 in separate stylesheets to benefit the browsers that handle it?
answer = no.
A crying shame.