Design News:
Rating feature added
Site news: Rating feature added to CSS Drive gallery.
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I love Ajax! You have to try the ajaxload images. Search "Ajaxload" in google
If I where you, I would lower the cache to 5 minutes, or perhaps even no cache.
Hmm, no cache..Wouldn't do that.. 2-5 minutes sounds good I think.
Very nice, you are having a gift
I fully agree, that the rating is a nice simple future to improve interaction.
Yeah, I'm starting to love Ajax too Saku!
I have just integrated my first ajax option on one of my sites. Thanks for inspiration!
Did something like that too for my fun sms
Thanks alot for update of CSS Gallery section it helps alot. Cached and only updated every 20-30 minutes - good configuration. Greetings
jax and PHP gives us the perfect surrounding to implement. I think its worth to implement such features and models to improve the customer satisfaction.