Design News:
Rating feature added
Site news: Rating feature added to CSS Drive gallery.
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In my opinion AJAX and PHP give developers the perfect platform for creating interactive tools that allow users to perform non-critical tasks without having to reload a page.Greetings.
Think this is one example of how Ajax should be used.. Indeed effectiveness over intuitiveness but for a good purpose!
If I where you, I would lower the cache to 5 minutes, or perhaps even no cache.Take care
I think these blog is really useful for new comers and Excellent resource list.
I think these blog is really useful for new comers and Excellent resource list.
Best Regards Timo
I love ratings :-) Nice idea! greetz accor
PHP gives us the perfect surrounding to implement. I think its worth to implement such features and models to improve the customer satisfaction.
Today I came the first time to your site. It's a really interesting site-Blog and simple answer of many questions.
Great job ! Congratulations !
i agree this site is so usefull
thankyou for taking the time to post.