CSS Drive News- Screen Resolution Hack

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Screen Resolution Hack

One of the most practical solutions to solve our screen resolution problems. Sure it's double the work, but hey it works and we keep the few 800x600 users we get rather than scare them off!

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Comments (21)

Finally, a screen resolution fix that sort of works. Just 3 news spots down there’s an absolutely useless one about how you should ignore users with lower screen res. Idiots like that annoy the hell out of me.

Thanks for this decent bit of info.

#1: Gav on 08/15 at 04:33 PM

Useful tip, thanks much Moni.

#2: Julie on 08/15 at 04:57 PM

Is this a joke? I seriously hope so, otherwise the CSS Drive News feed is getting ditched.

#3: Sam on 08/15 at 05:13 PM

Personally i dont think its the best way for professionals at all, very messy and way too much work, not even seo friendly, but in all honesty for some new to it all, this is the easiest way right? specially if they have lots of images that make up their site, sliced images and image maps.

#4: Moni on 08/15 at 05:37 PM

Sam, wtf are you on about? The script in that article detects different screen resolutions and that in itself is a cool thing to note. Who cares if you’re not going to stick around and check out SCCDrive, i can assure you, thousands of others will be around to fill in your shoes.

Moni, I respect how you’re last 3 news posts have changed, different than what we usually get on CSSDrive, and you have a following, that’s evident.

Wont lie to you, i’m waiting for that news post from that shit smf site you’re bound to post and how Niel or whatever his name is will react! Funny stuff!

Keep it up man

#5: Igge on 08/15 at 07:59 PM

“Simply create 3 versions of your site”

Now you have 3 sites to maintain.

This idea was just as worthless nearly 10 years ago as it is now. Why resurrect the same terrible advice?

#6: whatever on 08/16 at 07:58 AM

whatever, heard of php before? A couple content files for all 3 sites and you’re set.

I’m not saying I agree with the method, but for some who don’t know any other way, it works. That’s all! :)

#7: Moni on 08/16 at 10:45 AM

PHP does not solve the problem. Consider that you are saying this “solution” is aimed at people that do not know any better. Do you really think they have separated the content from the structure on their website?

Three separate templates all have to be maintained. An image edit has to be completed three times.

The article’s author is crudely regurgitating a poor idea that is best left in the annals of web design history. Let us leave it there.

#8: A Joke? on 08/16 at 07:03 PM

“Three separate templates all have to be maintained. An image edit has to be completed three times.”

well boo-fucking hoo.

so what?

In any any event, that was an excellent article! Not for what it said ( ‘cause it didnt say much) but because it OPENED THE DOOR to a new way of thinking!

Now people are thinking to themselves
“Self, maybe I could, instead of redirecting to a different version of my site, maybe instead load a different CSS file?
or maybe use javascript to load a php file with the screen size as a parameter, thus allowing the server to know those details and render content dynamically?

The key thing is not the how, its the WHAT?
And the ludicrous simplicity of the example is EXACTLY what enables another person to take that idea and run with it.

Besides, it’s not as big a deal to maintain several copies of your content - find and replace works well, also does serverside includes (PHP,ASP or AJAX ).

The author provides a simplistic solution to an annoying problem.
That it does not require a masters degree to implement (or to come up with) does not belie it’s effectiveness.
Once the IDEA of supporting people with smaller or even DIFFERENT devices takes hold (which you must admit is a GOOD IDEA) then other clever even cleverer ways can be used.

good post, good find, some silly anal comments, overall good :)
When y

#9: mark on 08/16 at 10:15 PM

Joel, a valuable contributer to comments here on cssdrive once said, bring the tricks and dif news posts, I can post about the articles that list best css this and that all day every day, or top designs. But i’m looking for some dif web related info is all. I’m getting good feedback, so i will ignore the few whining and continue to do it how im doing it now.

Im just sharing interesting things i find online, as mark said, sure it wasnt amazingly written but writer stated that the idea was a silly one to get you off on the right foot basically.

Enough anal talk as mark said ahahaha, hope this helped some people though :)  if not with the problem, with coming up with new ideas.

#10: Moni on 08/16 at 10:31 PM
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