Design News:
The Do’s and Don’ts of Modern Web Design
Little tips for beginners through to experts on the do's and don'ts of web design.
Comments (3)
great for beginners or for anyone who has to mentor juniors. The site design and layout is just excellent.
There isnt a lot of content, and the admonishment to Never Use Tables! I take with a grain of salt,lol but everything else is basically right on the money, with each Do and Dont having a supporting ‘additional info’ link.
recommended for bookmarking!
book mark t
Yeah I’m hoping it will grow quickly, people can submit links so hopefully with good moderation it should become a useful reference (for beginners-intermediates). I do think if you call yourself an expert then you should know all this stuff but there’s always little bits to pick up.
To my mind is too simple. I have not seen an original concept. I think that designers could find more interesting solution for the color palett also.