Design News:
The History of CSSDrive
A look at how the CSSDrive website evolved over the years, the ups and downs and the odd moments. Enjoy!
Comments (3)
Thanks for the writeup, I’m honored and surprised anyone would even care enough about the site to write about its history! BTW, that last screenshot looks pretty wicked! If only I had where it even came from! It definitely wasn’t part of any past designs of the site. I may have to hunt him down the next time I redesign CSS Drive.
that last image came from here
I hope nothing in there offended you, while I love cssdrive to no end, i am always as honest as i can be when it comes to articles like this. was pretty fun going through all those redesigns mind you, watching you shape up cssdrive and mold it into what it is, keep up the awesome work George, we appreciate it more than you know :)
lmao and i just realized it was for a site offline now it seems, completely missed that !!! oops :D