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A list of color tools available online.
A replete list of online color tools
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15 CSS Properties You Probably Never Use
CSS level 2 properties, some of them don't work in all browsers.
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Understanding and Solving the JavaScript/CSS Entanglement Phenomenon
Tips on how to keep your presentation separate from behavior.
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CSS Speech Bubbles
Easy to customize speech bubbles coded in CSS and valid XHTML 1.0 strict.
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Weblog comments: Centering text on the longest line
Centering a block is reasonably simple if you know how wide it is, but what if you don't?
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Web 3.0 = (4C + P + VS)
Sramana Mitra of Read/WriteWeb on the disjointed nature of the web
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Using Icons for Web Site Navigation - a Waste of Time?
I've been noticing icons popping up in the navigation of a number of web sites recently
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Worst code ever
Robert Nyman is looking for examples of really ugly, invalid, broken code in Worst code you've ever seen?.
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DHTML Window widget
A sleek DHTML window widget that can be used in place of popup windows.
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____layouts: simple layout builder
YUI Grids that make something that was easy to use and would work with anal designers who want to achieve pixel perfect layouts