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The human factor in gadget, Web design
Wonder why YouTube skyrocketed in popularity in less than two years?
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Why designers are romantics by nature
We strive to produce thoughtful creative experiences tailored specifically for our audience with the end result of evoking an actionable emotion
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Targeting IE Using Conditional Comments with just one stylesheet
A simple method for targeting CSS rules at IE that uses only one stylesheet and works for all versions of IE.
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Vertical Bar Graphs with CSS and PHP
Using CSS and PHP you can create attractive bar graphs.
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Learning Microformats
If you think it's time to really start getting to grips with Microformats, then a few new things have just gone online.
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Long Live the User (Persona)
Steve Mulder talks about strategies for getting research into shape so real people can actually use it
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The Road to Actionscript 3
Jonathan Greene maps out The Road to ActionScript 3 and what's next with Flash
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Mozilla Upgrades Firefox Add-ons Site; Interview with Mike Shaver, Mozilla Add-ons Guru
Later today Mozilla is launching an upgrade to its Add-Ons website
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Mini Tabbed Pages
A method of compressing short pieces of information into six mini tabbed pages