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Internet Explorer 7 Review
Alex Iskold, of Read/Write Web, on the new final IE 7 release
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Top 10 CSS Tutorials
There's a lot of really cool things that can be done using CSS and some of the following resources can be very helpful to inspire ideas and learn new technique
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Cleaning up code with semantic anchors
Faruk Ates of on anchors - the a element is all too common when building websites
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Bubble Generator
Ajaxian on the gift of Web 2.0 has stepped up to the plate with TheBubbleGenerator
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Zebra Table Showdown
Making all tables on a page have striped ("Zebra") backgrounds (different coloring on every odd row).
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Don’t let so-called experts tell you what you should know about becoming a web designer
Stand Up For Your Rights! Eric Meyer tears back the curtain...
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The Semantic Code
Semantic Markup, by itself, is a vast subject, Fadtastic focuses on the web design subset of it for the purpose of this article, lets call it Semantic HTML.
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Google Gadgets for your site
Google Gadgets used to be for Google pages. That has now changed. Now you can checkout the gadgets and download code to put on your own sites.
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Mobilizing Web 2.0
Argues Web 2.0 apps don’t automatically translate to the mobile phone - you have to re-think the UI, maybe even throw away the browser altogether
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Metrics for Heuristics: Quantifying User Experience
Andrea Wiggins examines how web analytics can quantify usability, content, and navigation