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Putting A Value On Social Networking Sites
Less than three years after emerging from nowhere, the hot social networking website MySpace is on pace to be worth a whopping $15 billion in just three more years. Or is it?
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Web 2.0 Colour Palette
Miles Burke grabbed primary or logo colours from some of the big names in 2.0 land, and placed no less than 70 colours into one scrumptious Photoshop Colour Palette file.
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PollDaddy is reporting that PollDaddy, which provides AJAX polls for blogs, has been recently launched.
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Home Sweet Home
An aspect of web design that can make or break the website's appeal is the homepage
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@Media goes global
Coming to a continent near you -- @Media will be held in America, Europe and Asia in 2007
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Facts, Competence, Innovations & Presentations - A Roundup of Links
SEOmoz on this week's great material that's gone largely unnoticed.
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CAPS Takes “Wisdom of the Few” To Stock Picking
The Stock Market goes Web 2.0 as The Motley Fool goes standards compliant and joins the social networking community
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JavaScript Closures for dummies
A laymen's guide to closures in JavaScript. Very nice.
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CSS Validator colour warnings are not errors
Roger Johansson of 456 Berea Street on CSS Validator warnings vs. errors
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Unobtrusive Date-Picker Widgit
Versatile JavaScript allowing you to select a date via point-and-click. Like, only better.