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Drag N’ Validate
Mike Davidson on: Ever find yourself debugging XHTML via your browser's View Source command?
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Is it time for a Web OS yet?
Parakey, a Web operating system that can do everything an OS can do
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Introducing Amberjack
Amberjack is a lightweight Open Source library, enabling webmasters to create cool site tours
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Another personalized information portal including news, rss, stocks, weather, youtube, flickr, email and more
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3D Rendering in JavaScript
The demo renders arbitrary triangles using pure JS/DOM/CSS (no images, flash, canvas tags or java applets)
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IE7: Were they ready? on evaluating whether most websites were (or are) ready for IE7
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The User Experience Bar Is Now Sky High
Scrybe will the change the way you think about everything, WOW!
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The Invisible Design Decision
Abhijit Nadgouda of Fadtastic on evaluating the decision deciding between HTML and XHTML
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Widgipedia: widgets resource
Widgipedia is aiming to be a resource for the widget community allowing you to check out a range of widget galleries, tutorials, code libraries and more
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Introducing Spiffy Box
Automatically create the code and image needed to employ "Simple Rounded Corner CSS Boxes"