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Two Column CSS Layout: The Absolute Basics
This tutorial is for the designer who wants to get acquainted with the basics of CSS layout.
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Web 2.0 Badges Collection
A few sites that offer Web 2.0 style badges for use on your site.
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Float-less CSS layouts
A CSS layout that does not rely on div, float, clear nor structural hack!
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Best Color Tools For Web Designers
A list of great online color tools for web designers to research matching and harmonious colors.
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Snipplr is a public source code repository that gives you a place to store and share all the little pieces of code that you use daily.
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CSSHOT Presidential Candidates Web Site Gallery Election
Check out each candidates web site and vote. Once the voting is over, we will declare a winner. In this election, you decide which site is the hottest.
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22 Resources to Easily Create CSS Layouts
A list of tools that will create a layout for you or provide you with a blank CSS layout. These are not templates that include design elements, just basic layouts to save some time with the design process
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CSS Not([hacks])
Brian Suda demonstrates the possibilities of using CSS3 selectors as an alternative to hacks when targeting specific browsers
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Advanced CSS Printing—Using CSS Page Breaks
Luckily, using page breaks in CSS is quite easy.
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Favicons Episode 5: The Delicate Beauties
You’ll find more examples of an excellent favicon design; we’ve collected these delicate beauties over the last three months.