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4 Yays
0 Nays

Design A Clean And Fresh Company Website In Photoshop
A step by step walk through of creating a web page layout and design, from the initial planning phase to putting everything together.
User rating:
3 Yays
6 Nays

How to run a one-person web design agency
A look at one man run web agencies that have made it in the web design industry, and how it can for you as well.
User rating:
4 Yays
2 Nays

FireFox Addons for Designers
A cool selection of FireFox Addons that can help make our life a bit easier, and a reminder to look for shortcuts while working.
User rating:
2 Yays
1 Nays

Inspiration has no limits
An article about how images derived from the Hubble telescope are used to create amazing colour pallets with Photocopa! So Inspiring!
User rating:
13 Yays
2 Nays

Skin Care
GetPrice - Compare skin care products to find the lowest price at Australia's leading independant shopping comparison website.
User rating:
16 Yays
0 Nays

CSS Coding Basics
Smashing Mag covers the fundamental properties and capabilities of CSS in a nice, basic little article. Thumbs up. This is a great read if you're a CSS Nooblet.
User rating:
6 Yays
6 Nays

15 Useful Code Snippet Tools To Help You Store And Manage Your Code Library
As a developer you should have a way to store your code snippets to speed up daily work. Here are 15 such online tools to help you in that respect.
User rating:
5 Yays
2 Nays

We are Color Blind
The patterns and examples on this site help you create websites the color blind can use without problems.
User rating:
7 Yays
15 Nays

99 High-Quality Free (X)HTML/CSS Templates
Free templates do not have to be ugly, cluttered, or boring. Here are a 99 High-Quality Free (X)HTML/CSS Templates.
User rating:
7 Yays
1 Nays

Step Carousel Viewer v1.8
Step Carousel, a nice jQuery based content slider, has just been updated to v1.8 with 2 new features, including auto-generated pagination images.