
User rating:
5 Yays 1 Nays

Minimal Website Design

An article by Shichiro Yokomizo detailing what minimal web design is all about and a showcase of some amazing examples.
User rating:
2 Yays 0 Nays

25 Easy Photoshop Tutorials

A collection of easy Photoshop tutorials that will add to your knowledge without making feel you stranded and confused in the learning process.
User rating:
8 Yays 2 Nays

CSS3 Loading Animation Loop

This tutorial looks at how to create 3 different CSS3 animation loops, useful for example in rendering pure CSS preloaders.
User rating:
3 Yays 0 Nays

Grooveshark logo case study

A look at the creative process behind the logo for Grooveshark, a popular streaming music service.
User rating:
6 Yays 4 Nays

Inspiring Landing page Designs

A look at some creative coming soon landingpage designs and why you need one for your next project.
User rating:
7 Yays 2 Nays

Ceramic Vases

For all your Ceramic Vases needs, information and more, visit slaviaceramics.com
User rating:
6 Yays 2 Nays

jQuery 1.7 Beta 1 Released

jQuery 1.7 Beta 1 has been released (Sept 28th). This post documents the changes and new additions.
User rating:
4 Yays 5 Nays

Custom Scrollbar script

Slick Custom Scrollbar lets you replace the default browser scrollbar on long content with a custom one instead, styled using pure CSS.
User rating:
7 Yays 1 Nays

Ripple Mobile emulator

Ripple is a free Google extension that creates a mobile environment emulator for easy HTML5 mobile app testing.
User rating:
4 Yays 1 Nays

Negative Space in Logos showcase

Negative space draws the user's attention to the space around a subject, and not just the subject itself. The result of negative space in logo design is an elegant, clever visual effect.

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