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Web app without makeup: iterations of Teamsnap
Andrew Berkowitz takes us through five iterations of a single screen of web app Teamsnap.
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Corners, shading and shadow to images on your web pages
Add Corners, shading and shadow to images on your web pages with Corner.js
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A Guide To How Not To Do Web 2.0 Design
The team over at Wisdump on loving and hating web 2.0 design
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21 Fresh, Usable and Elegant Wordpress Themes
Sometimes it's just amazing to see, how developers use creative approaches to design amazing layouts, based upon a simple Wordpress template
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Focus clouds
It's like a tag cloud but with more focus. With PHP source code. Makes tag clouds just a little more interesting.
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Fighting Spam with CSS
An interesting approach of using CSS to fight form spam.
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No more memory leaks in IE6?
A security update by Microsoft on June 12th supposedly addresses the infamous IE6 memory leak issue with regards to JavaScript.
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ALA 240
Issue 240 of A List Apart: Testability Costs Too Much, and Human-to-Human Design
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Typography and Web Advertising
What makes web ads and prints ads similar and yet so different? This article by Alex White might as well give you an answer...
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Image Reflections Never Been So Easy
JavaScript that you can use that adds reflections to images on your website.