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Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar
The IE team has released a new Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar.
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CSS Hacks & Issues
This article includes 8 helpful solutions which we find essential when designing with CSS
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Flash Tooltips using jQuery
Peter Goodman wanted really rich tooltips, so he decided to experiment with Flash tooltips using jQuery.
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WordPress 2.2 Released
2.2 version includes a number of new features, most notably Widgets integration, and over two hundred bug fixes.
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Top 50 SEO Tips, Tricks, and Suggestions
An excellent listing of techniques for those who is interested in SEO.
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10 best-designed web sites in the world
Ben Hunt of Web Design from Scratch, picks of 10 outstanding web sites and why!
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Create Resizable Images With CSS
Use CSS to create images that resize along with the text.
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Ten signs you need to spend less time at your desk
FreelanceSwitch does a nice little top 10 of the reasons most of us should spend less time at our desk. This Top 10 list is semi-humorous but probably hits a little too close to home for most of us.