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Did you know Photoshop could ... underline text and spell check?
These are two must-know Photoshop techniques that every web designer should be aware of
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Applied Empathy: A Design Framework for Meeting Human Needs and Desires
Explains three Dimensions of Human Behavior, as well as specific needs and desires for which we can intentionally design products
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introducing Dapper
A service enabling anyone to use and reuse any web-based content is now open to the public and promises new features and improvements
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Web 2.0: The Poster
Berlin-based eboy put this web 2.0 poster up a few days ago
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CNBC Relaunches: Heavy Focus on Video
As promised, CNBC relaunched this evening after half a year of silence
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Title Tag Showdown
The dispute centers around how a company's brand name should be used in their title tags
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Anti-Flash Standardistas
Stop griping about Flash and start educating people on how it can be used more effectively with standards and accessibility in mind
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Wrapping the pre tag
The tip that let's you use the pre tag to keep the formatting when some of the content is too long and doesn't wrap
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Running IE7 and IE6 at the same time
The IE team has blogged about IE6 and IE7 Running on a Single Machine
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Death of Page View Metrics?
Steve Rubel says page view metrics have four years to live