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Adding Weather to Your Site with jQuery and YQL

This article looks at how to use jQuery and YQL (a free web service offered by Yahoo) to easily add a customized weather display to your site.
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JavaScript interview questions

These JavaScript questions were asked in a preliminary check before an actual interview for a JavaScript position at a company.
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How to Create Cross Browser Compatible Flare Lens Effect using Javascript

A look at how to use JavaScript and a single image to create an interactive flare lens effect.
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Modern Debugging Tips and Tricks

With the rise of mobile devices, JavaScript debugging is more complex than ever. This article covers a slew of debugging techniques: error throwing and handling, code injection, and mobile debugging.
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CSS3 Animation With jQuery Fallbacks

A look at how you can use CSS3 transitions to power your application's animations, with jQuery's .animate() method used as a fallback. CSS3 transitions have the benefit of being hardware accelerated.
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Setting CSS3 properties using JavaScript

With the numerous CSS vendor prefixes one has to contend with when it comes to defining CSS3 properties, setting them in JavaScript can be even more confusing.
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Object-Based Inheritance For ECMAScript 5

This post looks at the new Object.create() method found in ECMAScript 5 and an inheritance system built on top of that functionality.
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Essential JavaScript And jQuery Design Patterns

A free ebook that looks at a number of popular JavaScript and jQuery design patterns and their usefulness.
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Create Spinning Rays with CSS3 Animations & JavaScript

This article shows how to use CSS3's transform property plus a little JavaScript to rotate a background image periodically and create spinning rays!
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Using DOM sessionStorage and localStorage to persist large amounts of info

HTML5 introduces DOM Storage, a new way of storing data on the client side that overcomes the disk space limitations of JavaScript cookies.

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