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CSS drop shadow without images!
Here is a quick article including a demo and the code that shows you how to make a drop-shadow without using any images!
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CSS - How to use Overflow
Many people are confused about the proper use of CSS's "overflow" property. This tutorial tries to demystify that.
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CSS Text Wrap: Squeeze that text around any line
The CSS Text Wrapper allows you to easily make HTML text wrap in shapes other than just a rectangle.
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CSS Expandable Box
Nick La shows this nifty technique how to create all-purposes expandable box using only CSS.
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Creating fluid DIV containers with rounded corners
See how to create fluid, rounded corners DIV containers using CSS plus the free and awesome Paint.NET program.
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Create a Lightbox effect only with CSS
A quick and dirty "Lightbox" effect created using only CSS, with just a touch of JavaScript.
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Nifty Navigation Using CSS
Rachel Andrew steps through horizontal and vertical menus, drop-down, fly-out, and tabbed navigation systems.
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CSS values for colors
This article will explain how to specify colors for a CSS property that accepts color values