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User rating:
23 Yays 7 Nays

Image to Colors Palette Generator (beta)

Here's a new tool I've just added to CSS Drive. Upload an image and generate a color palette based on the image's primary colors. Bug report or suggestions certainly welcome.
User rating:
3 Yays 0 Nays

WYMeditor web-based XHTML editor

WYMeditor is a web-based WYSIWYG XHTML editor that can be used inside your web forms or CMS systems.
User rating:
19 Yays 4 Nays

Preloaders.net ajax loading gif generator

A sleek tool that generates unique looking Ajax loading gifs, including 3D ones.
User rating:
18 Yays 4 Nays

Web Development Project Estimator

A simple tool that lets web designers and developers quickly and thoroughly estimate the time and materials required for a proposed web project.
User rating:
5 Yays 2 Nays

YUI Compressor Online

YUI Compressor is a Java based code compressor that's versatile but a pain to use, as a desktop utility. Here's an online front for it, created by Rodolphe Stoclin.
User rating:
8 Yays 18 Nays

All Levels Menu Generator

A sleek online generator for quickly creating themed versions of All Levels Menu, a multi level, CSS menu system.
User rating:
6 Yays 5 Nays

SmartMarkUP Universal Markup Editor

SmartMarkUP is a lightweight and powerful JavaScript library that allows you to turn any textarea into a fancy markup editor.
User rating:
4 Yays 7 Nays

40+ CSS Generators, Creators, and Makers

40 CSS related code generators for those new to CSS or just feeling lazy.
User rating:
9 Yays 5 Nays

12 Excellent Free Text Editors for Coders

Here you’ll find 12 first-class free text editors that are designed with coders’ needs in mind.
User rating:
4 Yays 3 Nays


A lightweight, JavaScript based benchmarking tool to test the speed of your, well, JavaScript.

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