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CSS Demos
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Popular CSS Button Hover Effects Explained
A look at the technique behind popular CSS button hover effects that involve animating the button's pseudo elements using CSS transitions.
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Dropline Menu Tabs
These CSS only Dropline tabs support infinite levels of sub menus, using CSS3 transform to fold out the sub menus.
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Ultimate CSS Drop Down Menu
A *pure* CSS based menu that strives to be usable in the real world and with similar refinements as its JavaScript based counterparts.
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FlexBox Rectangles Menu
A retro looking CSS menu with fluid and flexible menu link blocks using CSS Flexbox:
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CSS3 Blur Filter Images
See CSS3's blur filter in action on the FIGURE element to blur out an image while showing some text over it.
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CSS Draped Background Buttons
These CSS buttons are endowed with a partially transparent background that "drapes" into view when the mouse rolls over them.
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Swinging an image using CSS3 animation
This short article looks at how to use CSS3 keyframes animation to create an image that rocks back and forth continuously.
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Mobile full screen expand menu II
This mobile friendly menu uses CSS3 scale() to collapse the full screen menu initially, expanding to fill the screen when expanded.
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CSS only Page Curl Effect
A nifty CSS only page curl effect- move the mouse over the curl to reveal content underneath.
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Slide Up Tabs
This menu uses CSS3 transitions and pseudo elements to create tabs that slide up.