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JavaScript Effects
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How To Display Form Fields selectively uisng JavaScript
Most people do not like filling out long forms To enhance user experience, we can add JavaScript to hide away optional fields and only show them when applicable.
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Ultimate Fade-in slideshow (v2.0)
A robust jQuery slideshow script that fades each image into view, with support for textual descriptions, manual sliding, persistence of last viewed slide, and more.
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16 Free Javascript Code Syntax Highlighters
A list of JavaScript based code highlighters to help you better present source codes on your page.
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9 Useful Javascript Syntax Highlighting Scripts
Syntax highlighting is very important when we want to show codes elegantly on our sites. Here are 9 JavaScript based highlighters.
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Accordion Script With Multi-Level Support
A compact Accordion script that supports nested levels.
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Form field Limiter v2.0
Form Field Limiter lets you limit the number of characters allowed in a INPUT or TEXTAREA element, plus display in real time the number of characters remaining.
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Javascript String Concatenation and efficiency
Avoiding simple string concatenations is one of the most vital lessons to learn in JavaScript when it comes to code efficiency.
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Anylink CSS Menu v2.0
A flexible menu script that adds a drop down menu to any link on your page, with each menu defined inline on the page as a UL list.
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57+ Free Image Gallery, Slideshow And Lightbox Solutions
A compilation of free image gallery scripts. All 3 popular genres are covered: JavaScript, CSS, and Flash based galleries.
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SmartMarkUP Universal Markup Editor
SmartMarkUP is a lightweight and powerful JavaScript library that allows you to turn any textarea into a fancy markup editor.