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JavaScript Effects
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Simple Controls Image Gallery
A jQuery script that displays images as an automatic slideshow that can also be explicitly played or paused by the user.
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Niceforms v2.0
Niceforms is a script that will replace the most commonly used form elements with custom designed ones.
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Virtual Pagination script v2.0
A robust JavaScript that lets you divvy up arbitrary sections of content on your page and turn them into paginated content.
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Smooth Navigational Menu
A multi level, CSS list based menu with a smooth slide/fade in effect. Powered using jQuery.
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JavaScript Table Sorter
A compact table sorter script supporting alternate row formatting, auto data type recognition and selective column sorting.
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DD Drop Down Panel
DD Drop Down Panel lets you tuck away ordinary HTML content on the page and revealed on demand when the user clicks on the protruding tab.
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16 Free Ajax Contact Forms
Contact forms are the most common bridges between readers & site owners. A collection of 16 free Ajax Contact form scripts.
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Animated JavaScript Accordion V2
A lightweight animated JavaScript accordion that supports multiple instances and includes an active header class toggle.
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Blackbird JavaScript Logging utility
Blackbird is an open source, simple utility for logging JavaScript messages and viewing them in an attractive console.
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Urban Gray accordion menu
Urban Gray Accordion Menu is a clean, vertical list menu with headers that activate "mouseover".